
Saturday 13 October 2018

Isadora Episode 32 - Jane’s side of the story continues from the previous episode

Episode 32 Jane’s side of the story continues from the previous episode

I cried deeply in my room for the first time in a long while. I needed no telling that Val was very much serious over the cancellation of our wedding. It wasn’t like his old threats I was very much used to. I saw seriousness in his voice and eyes. I was so deeply hurt and confused over what to do next.

Charles was no longer there as my backup man and of course I was in a way behind the misfortune that befell him which I kind of orchestrated. I had nowhere else to turn to. I was terribly confused and hurt. I had very much looked forward to the wedding and the painful thing about it was that I was yet to get pregnant. Not even for Charles or Val and as I thought about it I grew more scared over why I was yet to get pregnant after indiscriminately sleeping with the two guys without protection. I had never had time to think about it in the past but as I thought about it that moment a new fear dawned on me.

‘’Could I be infertile or are they impotent?’’ I asked myself over and over as I cried. I cursed myself for following such a dangerous path; I cursed myself for playing evil roles. I felt it was just the beginning of the end for me and of course the world really meant nothing without money, without Val. The only thing I had left was my family and I really couldn’t tell how long my family had left to survive. I knew Isadora was coming back for everyone.

I was very sure about that and this time she wouldn’t be coming like a little naive girl but like a very determined and informed girl.
A new season was definitely coming and it could be doom for my family. I had to come up with a plan. I had to come up with something fast.
But first, I decided to leave Val’s house and return to my family the next day in order not to continue appearing cheap to him. A decision I made out of lack of options.

Isadora’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the previous episode

Very Early the next day, I headed to Enugu city with tears and a faint heart. Yes I was scared, I was afraid but I had no choice than to confront my fears. To reach forward to my destiny, to grab it forcefully. I really couldn’t tell what fate had in store for me but I was sure of one thing and that’s that I wasn’t destined to die yet. I had survived death many times over and I knew my trip back to Enugu city wouldn’t result in my death.

I made it to the city quite on time to meet my uncle and his wife at home. You can’t imagine the surprise on their faces as I walked in with my small travel bag. They just stared at me speechlessly for some minutes before my uncle recovered from the shock and welcomed me.
‘’I can’t believe this my daughter. You are finally where you belong. I guess you are here to stay?’’ he anxiously asked with a smile as he drew forward to hug me.
I nodded, forcing out a smile and any outsider who witnessed the scene that moment would think he was the sweetest uncle ever.

‘’Have a good rest and feel free. I’m almost late for work but when I return in the evening , we will have a lot to discuss’’ he added pleasantly while I smiled.
Just that moment Jane walked into the living room with two big travel bags and froze with surprise on seeing me. I equally froze with shock because I never expected to see her so soon.

Jane’s side of the story continues from the last scene

Leaving Val’s house very early that fateful morning with most of my important belongings was one of the most difficult decisions I had ever taken. Of course his mother tried her best to beg me to stay but I couldn’t because all I wanted was for Val himself to apologize and ask me not to leave which he failed to do and so I had no option than to leave. But on getting to my house I got the biggest shock ever.

There was Isadora in my dad’s arms, smiling like a she devil. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I never expected the spoiler to be there. It was just as if she was all out to take everything away from me. First she got Val and now trying to penetrate my family and probably take everything away from us.
All I could do was just to sigh and walk to my old room where I bit my lips and cursed. My mum and dad soon joined me, full of curiously.

‘’why are you here with your things?’’ dad asked with great concern.
‘’Val broke up with me’’ I opened up as my eyes melted with tears. Really the whole issue was getting way too much for me to endure.
‘’why would he do that? Your wedding is already around the corner. I guess I will have to talk to him’’ dad breathed strongly.


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‘’and what’s the girl doing here? No one told me she’s coming?’’ I asked curiously.
‘’we never knew she was coming my dear. We are still surprised over her presence and you know it could be a trap for us. So we have to be careful’’ mum chipped in seriously.
‘’hmmm and as the saying goes, we have to keep our enemy closer my dear. We all have to appear all nice and friendly with her’’ dad added thoughtfully.

‘’Having her here is very bad. She can bug the house, she can listen to our talks. And she’s just like someone that can never die. Moreover having her in the house with Chukka could be disastrous. You know what that boy does with women’’ I muttered with frustration.
‘’yes you are right but trying to kill her again won’t make any sense. After all she’s my blood as well. Maybe all she need is just a home and nothing else’’ dad replied
‘’noooo someone out there is mentoring her. The best thing we can do is to find a way to get her commit a crime which could land her in prison for the rest of her life’’ mum suddenly proposed while we all looked at her. I hesitantly shrugged in support.

‘’I’m not happy to say this but my young brother Chuka is a junkie, a good for nothing boy and a rapist. This girl can’t stay here oo, unless you are planning to have either her or Chukka to do something terrible’’ I softly breathed while mum drew close and smiled.

‘’We have tried and spent so much covering that boy’s dirty deeds. Perhaps it’s time to let him pay. I believe once he sets his focus on Isadora he won’t let the girl rest, not minding that she’s his cousin and remember I would have brought her to serve us instead of taking her to Val’s mother when she ran to me for help but I did that to protect her from your brother but now she’s finally here, what can I do?. I believe one of them would harm the other and any side it ends will be good for everyone. I just pray none of us to be in the house when that happens. All we have to do is wait and watch’’ she concluded with a dirty smile while my dad and I breathed deeply, so speechless to say a word.

Yes my young brother was a sociopath who belonged to the prison. The last female housekeeper we had was almost raped to death by him and his friend if not for my mother’s timely intervention and dad who eventually settled the girl’s family, the previous female house keeper before her equally suffered a similar fate and because of that mum decided not to allow young females to the house.

Just like mother hinted, Isadora’s presence would never go unnoticed by Chuka who seemed to have a demonic spell of women on him. But unlike the house helps he exploited, Isadora had a fighting spirit plus a guardian angel. He was a fighter just like Isadora and it was just a matter of time before he tries raping and getting either himself or her into serious problem. I couldn’t wait to see how it goes and I equally knew I had to be around to clean up the mess and scene just in case.
I wouldn’t be saving anyone but helping someone die or go to jail.
Hmmmm sounds crazy right?, but I knew my brother. Everyone in the family did know what to expect with a new girl in the house.

To be continued. **


>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 1 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 2 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 3 (CLICK HERE TO READ  )
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 4 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 5 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 6 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 7 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 8 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 9 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 10 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 11 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 12 (CLICK HERE TO READ  )
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 13 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 14 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 15 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 16 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 17 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 18 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 19 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 20 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 21 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 22 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 23 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 24 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 25 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 26 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 27 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 28 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 29 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 30 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 31 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 32 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 33 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 34 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 35 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 36 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 37 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 38 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 39 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 40 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 41 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 42 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 43 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
>>>> Read ISADORA Episode 44 (CLICK HERE TO READ)

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